How to Set Up Email Marketing for Your Small Business: A Simple Guide

Sahan Narahari
4 min readJun 19, 2024


Email Marketing for Small and One-Person Businesses

Over my 13 years in marketing, I’ve worked with nearly every channel — PR, digital, paid, SEO, and even a bit of influencer marketing. Out of all these, email marketing stands out as the most cost-effective. It’s the quiet genius of marketing channels, incredibly effective at cutting through the noise and reaching your audience directly, yet often overlooked.

Email marketing is a true hero for small businesses, especially when budgets for ads are tight. It’s one of the most affordable channels, particularly if you have a “sizeable” list. By “sizeable,” I mean at least 1,000 subscribers to see significant results. But don’t worry — every great list starts small!

This channel when leveraged properly can yield great results. But, before we look at the results we will need to have some basic systems and worflow in place. Alright, now, let’s start with the basics.

Why Email Marketing?
First off, why should you care about email marketing? The answer is simple: it works. I’d like to call it as the “Swiss Army knife” of marketing channels (ok, I’m done (almost) with the analogies!). Various studies and my own tests have shown enough to prove that this channel has one of the highest returns on investment (ROI). For every dollar spent, you can expect an average return of $42. Not too bad, right?

But it’s not just about the money. Email marketing helps you connect and build those relationships, keeps your audience informed about your latest products or services, and drives traffic to your website — all organically. It’s a direct line of communication that, when used correctly, can turn prospects into loyal customers.

Alighty then, now, let’s get a bit more detailed on some simple steps to get started here.

Getting Started: Build Your Email List

Before you can start sending emails, you need an audience. Here’s how to build your email list:

  1. Website Sign-Up Forms: Make sure your website has a prominent sign-up form. Offer an incentive, like a discount or a freebie, to encourage visitors to subscribe. Even getting creative with copy and asking them to sign up, will do the trick without any discounts or freebies.
  2. In-Store Sign-Ups: If you have a physical store, ask customers if they’d like to join your email list at checkout. A simple “Would you like to receive exclusive offers via email?” can go a long way.
  3. Social Media: Promote a sign up now content on social media every now and then. Highlight the benefits of subscribing and include a link to your sign-up form.

Crafting the Perfect Email

Now that you’ve got an audience, it’s time to start crafting emails that will engage and convert. Here are a few tips that has worked based on multiple tests I’ve run.

  1. Personalize Your Emails: Something as basic as using your subscriber’s name (Hey Sam,) can really grab attention. Personalized emails are more likely to be opened and clicked. I also like to personalize the subject lines to boost open rates. But hey, if you want to stick to just the basics for now, that’s totally fine too.
  2. Catchy Subject Lines: Your subject line is the first thing your subscribers will see, so make it count. Keep it short, intriguing, and relevant. I found this funny one recently in my inbox“Is It Hot in Here, or Is It Just Our Deals?”
  3. Value-Packed Content: Make sure your emails provide value. Whether it’s a special offer, useful tips, or important updates, your subscribers should feel like they’re getting something worthwhile. PLEASE, don’t send emails just for the heck of it. Make it count — nobody wants to read an email about your cat’s new hat (unless it’s a really cool hat).
  4. Strong Call-to-Action (CTA): Every email should have a clear purpose. Whether you want your subscribers to visit your website, make a purchase, or follow you on social media, make your CTA clear and compelling. Don’t leave them guessing — tell them exactly what you want them to do. (And no, “click here if you love puppies” doesn’t count, even if we all do love puppies.)

Types of Emails to Send

Variety is the spice of life, and it applies to email marketing too. Here are some types of emails you can send to keep your audience engaged:

  1. Welcome Emails: Send a warm welcome to new subscribers. Introduce your brand and let them know what to expect.
  2. Newsletters: Keep your audience updated with regular newsletters. Share company news, industry insights, and useful content.
  3. Promotional Emails: Highlight special offers, discounts, and new products. Make sure to include a strong CTA to drive conversions.
  4. Transactional Emails: These include order confirmations, shipping updates, and account notifications. They’re essential for maintaining transparency and trust.
  5. Re-Engagement Emails: Win back inactive subscribers with re-engagement campaigns. Offer special incentives to bring them back into the fold.

Analyzing and Optimizing

Most email marketing platforms offer analytics tools that show you how your emails are performing. But, my advice here is to let the emails breathe. Don’t panic and make changes the second you see a drop in engagement like click rates or open rates. There could be multiple factors at play — seasonality, or maybe your subscribers are just overwhelmed with offers. Take time to understand the bigger picture. Maybe the first email in the series needs a swap with something that’s working better. Start with small tests instead of going big. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is the perfect email campaign!



Sahan Narahari

With over a decade of experience in Marketing working for start ups, banks and tech. I share my exp and insights on Marketing strategies, AI, and other topics.